Thursday, March 28


Having two jars of Ube Halaya with me which my SIL bought from Market Market, Fort Bonifacio, Global City (Philippines) and a freshly cooked makapuno, my first project will be ensaymada. This is very appropriate for this season of Lent. So without much story telling here it is...

Using my  ensaymada  and the makapuno  recipe all I need to do is to assemble. Just a note, I have so much left over butter and i felt like experimenting a bit, so I added generous amount of butter to the dough while beating it up... and the result... deliciously soft! 


This is one of the usual delicacies at home especially nearing summer.  Papang (our father) always surprises us with makapuno ( "mutant coconut ") and i kept asking him why it is called makapuno?  and How this fruit is made?  They say every coconut tree bears only 1 makapuno in its fruit time, its like a gem, so you are very lucky when you find one. 
Makapuno the real thing, this is how it looks like: soft & meaty


Time and again, bread is a staple flour base food next to rice not just in the orient but most probably with the rest of the world. Too many...