Tuesday, April 5

Jumbo Seafood

Time for three

We didn't have much time for ourselves lately since we introduce ourselves to social circles. Not that we have much enlistments, but had quite a few to keep us busy most of the time.

Today, as I mark my blog debut on my 36th birthday, I thought of spending my spare time to those surfing the net for information and worthwhile readings. While I am still contemplating on what I consider worthwhile (wink), I planned to enjoy the rest of my day in an uncomplicated, quiet time for just the three of us. A simple dinner for three- Me, Paige- our 5 yr old "super sweet" daughter and Bart-my ever "full of surprise" hubby, who made a self declaration of  "wifecare" on my day, Awwww--sweet! 


Time and again, bread is a staple flour base food next to rice not just in the orient but most probably with the rest of the world. Too many...