Wednesday, July 22


Originating from Hong Kong, this Cocktail Bun as they call it is a sweet bread filled with shredded coconut. In my hometown, this is simply Pan de Coco 😋, one of our all time favourite "hi-tea" snacks.

This bread has an economical history. In 1950, this was the year of Bakers' Resistance, when bakers in Hong Kong resisted the wastage disposal of unsold but perfectly edible buns, so they created a way to recycle these left-over (day-old) breads by incorporating it with the new product and sell these as fresh buns. So, what they did was, they mixed the old buns with sugar and coconut to come up with a sweet tasty filling then wrap it up with a fresh bread dough to create a what they call Cocktail Buns.

Years passed by, new versions of these buns were made with the inclusions of butter or margarine and the shredded coconut to go with then moulded in the size of a small baguette. This bun is soft, pliable and lightly sweet typical of Hong Kong breads, with a rich-buttery, sweet flavoured dense coconut filling. Brushed with egg wash to render a golden-brown, shiny tops, decorated with stripes and finishing it up by sprinkling some sesame seeds. It's deliciousness of sweet goodness in every bite!

Today, I am sharing another discovered recipe, creating a little excitement in this traditional cocktail buns or coconut bun or "Pan de Coco" of yester-years!😁 

This is quite a challenge.



100 g bread flour mixed with 70g boiling water.  Make this a day before and chill in fridge for at least 12 hours.

On the day of baking:    
300g bread flour
100g all purpose flour
80g caster sugar
6g salt
20g milk powder
9g instant yeast

175g water
60g egg (Large egg)

60g unsalted butter

Eggwash: 1 egg mix with a little bit of water. Lightly beat this mixture and RTU.

In a stand mixer, place the flours, sugar, salt, milk powder and yeast. Mix to combine. Add water and egg and knead to form a rough dough. Add the chilled dough and conitnue kneading until well-blended. Then slowly add the butter and keep kneading until you achieve a smooth dough about at least 15 minutes of kneading.

When done, remove from bowl, form into a big ball and return to the bowl to proof for about an hour or so. Cover with cling wrap.

While waiting, make your filling.

Filling recipe
70g unsalted butter
120g caster sugar
1 large egg
drops of green coloring
110 g sweet desiccated coconut
50g milk powder

Cream butter and sugar until light. Add egg and green colouring and continue to cream until smooth.

Add in desiccated coconut and milk powder. Mix until well-blended. Shape into balls about 35g each and refrigerate until firmed.

Get the bread dough, divide into 60g each mould into small ball and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Take the coconut filling from the fridge. 
1. Using one bread dough, flatten it then place one ball of coconut filling at the center. wrap the filling to form one ball dough.

2. Then flatten again and roll like a swiss roll.

3. Make 7 deep slits using a scissor, making sure its not detach from each other.

4. Spread the cuts alternately, one left-one right.

5. Place on the baking tray lined with parchment paper. Slightly flatten the bun and let it proof for an hour.

6. When ready, egg wash and bake at 180 degrees C for about 12-15 minutes.

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Time and again, bread is a staple flour base food next to rice not just in the orient but most probably with the rest of the world. Too many...