Monday, October 14

Hawaiian Pizza

     You don't call it lazy afternoon when you have nothing to do but bake!  You won't deny it once you see those pans and bowls on top of the other, and its never ending. Believe me when I say, I should have been busy reading a book instead.  But kids have convincing power of pulling you off out of your potato couch--ing!  What can I do???  Well, roll those sleeves and let's start mixing ;-).

Wednesday, October 9

Pork and Cheese Empanada

Another day of pampering and spoiling.  For those days when kids hated vegetables, here is a great trick. Another empanada recipe --

     Use flan pastry or  pâte a foncer.

Shortcrust Pastry

There are several dough recipes which you can use for your favorite pastries and none of it is wrong.  The texture and tastes may vary but all of them are as good as the other. So I gathered and tested a few to make comparisons. Each of these are delectable, so why not try them.  The ingredients are easy to remember and the preparation is as good as 1-2-3...since you will be following 7 similar steps for these pastry doughs. Just get acquainted with the ingredients, memorize them and your good to go. From my kitchen to yours, sharing these recipes --

Monday, October 7

Apple-Blueberry Pie

Paige is exploring her tastebuds and starting to immerse herself to "foodography." I wouldn't be surprised if one day she will replace me in my kitchen or would wish for  a kitchen showcase (instead) for christmas {wink, wink}.  Well, not bad though.

These past weeks have been busy for the school kids and it's us--the parents who ensure that days will be a little lighter as much as possible. We so called spoiled them for the time being =D.  So when Paige requested for an apple pie (she specifically wanted the one in pie crust not in puffs of Mc Donalds ), I instantly say yes!, I will bake you one.  Checking our stock, I saw this punnet of blueberry and a bunch of candy apple (this is a kid size version of granny smith) so I thought why not bake a medley:  Apple and Blueberry instead. So here it is... the ABP--

Sunday, October 6

Roasted Chicken in Coconut Mushroom Chardonnay Sauce

       There are times that dining out is imperative.  It will immerse us to various food hubs of cultural origins and arrays of ingredients. I remember back in Manila, whenever our time permits, some of us siblings (whoever is in Manila and available)-- all food enthusiasts,  meet up on weekends and pig out to our hearts desire after watching a movie or simply after a day's malling.  We food hop especially to those newly opened dine-ins and restos  and scrutinise our new discoveries. We add our best food choices to our archive and defy those rejected by our palates.  But the next great thing is -- recreating those new discoveries in our own "dirty" kitchens. Aahhh brings back memoirs. 


Time and again, bread is a staple flour base food next to rice not just in the orient but most probably with the rest of the world. Too many...